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Intensive Language Courses at the ZSL during the summer break

Where: In precense at the ZSL or online (course-dependent)
Dates: all courses take place between 29 Aug and 14 Oct 2022 (see overview attached)

Learn a new language, refresh or expand existing knowledge? Whether for the next holiday or as a professional skill enhancement: You can get started in the Central Language Lab (ZSL) at your university this summer!

The intensive language courses on offer range from Arabic to English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. You will find the right course at ZSL. If you would like to take advanced courses, please take a placement test beforehand:

After passing the exam, you will receive a certificate of achievement.

Registration: per e-mail to sekretariat@zsl.uni-heidelberg.de (please note "HAI member") at the latest one week before the respective course starts. Please note that the number of places is limited. Allocation will be made in the order of registration.

Course fees: 240 Euro (Reduction for enrolled students of Heidelberg University) for 60 lessons of 45 minutes each

zum Seitenanfang
Responsible: Silke Rodenberg, Heidelberg Alumni International